SAM WELLER & SONS LTD. is one of the leading decatising wrapper manufacturers in the world. The company was founded in 1911, and for more than three quarters of a century it has worked with the cloth finishing industry, providing an unrivalled knowledge in the manufacture and application of decatising wrappers. Famous worldwide for their quality and dependability Weller also specialise in weaving high pick density Cotton fabrics, in weights ranging from 70 – 950gsm, for a wide variety of applications.
Acquired by SDC Enterprises Limited in 2016, and with one member of the Weller family still active on the Board of SDCE, Wellers have used Enterprises expertise in quality control to further enhance their quality and technical resources, whilst maintaining their in-depth knowledge of cloth finishing.
In addition to supplying wrappers Weller offer a complete fabric development and production service for customer specific fabrics. All weaving, and wrapper finishing, takes place in Weller’s UK factory, whilst dyeing and additional finishing is outsourced to specialist UK based partners.